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What’s next? Your brewing business is up and running, things are going well, and you’re ready to move onward and upward! Because there are so many different potential opportunities for growth and expansion, all of our Category pages are referenced here with direction for moving forward. In many instances you can go back to PLAN for beginning in areas that may have not applied to your business previously, so keep that in mind. (Educational Resources)


Congratulations on making it to this stage in your brewing world, and we are more than happy to offer suggestions and guidance to build it bigger in any and all ways. As always, each list of tasks below will link you to the appropriate category page for further information to assist you on your journey. All information is provided by our knowledgeable contributors who are leaders in their area of specialty and respected in the craft beer industry.

Our canning lines grow with you.

•  Ensure access to retail data  •  Sales data collection & analysis  •  Establish CRM system 
•  Refine HR practices  •  Audit preparation  •  Evaluate logistics costs  •  Materials resource planning 
•  Coordinated forecasting  •  Long-range planning


•  Keep financial records  •  Maintain relationship with finance people  •  Understand improved funding options 
•  Collect equipment quotes  •  Apply/secure financing


•  Reevaluate brand strategy  •  Update brand identity  •  Increase brand messaging  •  New signage
•  Create marketing & advertising collateral  •  Additional packaging design  •  New merchandise design


•  Consider equipment additions  •  Consider expansion options  •  Consider operational efficiencies


•  Compare business plan to reality  •  Evaluate expansion options  •  Revise business plan for expansion


•  Evaluate Grow projects  •  Determine vendor resources  •  Allocate personal bandwidth 
•  Research relevant consultants (if any)  •  Interview consultants  •  Review consulting contracts 
•  Work with consultant


•  Select new territory  •  Create point of sale items  •  Additional brewery sales team  •  Explore distribution options  •  Select a distributor  •  Negotiate distribution contracts  •  Train distribution sales team 
•  Manage distribution partnership


•  Brewing and Business Education  •  Brewery Staff Education  •  Professional Groups  •  Recommended Reading 
•  State Guild Information


•  Consider equipment upgrades  •  Research additional tank capacity  •  Evaluate silo or bulk packaging needs


•  People management/development  •  Culture evolution  •  Risk management •  Recruitment for growth 
•  Internships  •  Educational programs


•  Scale up recipes  •  Contract with suppliers for increased supply  •  Inquire about bulk purchasing 
•  Create additional storage


•  What is your exit plan?  •  New exposures mean new insurance: management liability lines 
•  Addressing claims and loses


•  Consider desired growth plan  •  Choose state(s) for distribution growth  •  Review franchise laws 
•  Determine distributor expectations  •  Negotiate distribution agreements  •  Consider additional liability 
•  Maintain compliance with growth  •  Owner/investor relations


•  Consider satellite locations  •  Evaluate location expansion


• Review POS data  •  Identify data trends  •  Respond to data trends  •  Consider loyalty programs 
• Increase contact points with guests  •  Consider expanding ordering stations


•  Maintain relationships  •  Build momentum  •  Get creative  •  Increase advertising reach


•  Review QA/QC options  •  Research necessary materials  •  Add new systems  •  Evaluate improved QA/QC


•  Work with district sales team  •  Track & analyze sales data  •  Optimize sales plans 
•  Work with key distribution personnel  •  Solicit new distributors


•  Evaluate outdoor expansion  •  Consider additional food/merchandise  •  Create additional programming 
•  Expand staff continuing education


•  Website upgrades/changes  •  Content management  •  Schedule website maintenance 
•  Execute long term projects  •  Watch ongoing analytics  •  Further develop email list

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